Monday, May 19, 2014

Anti-Islamic Hate crime incident

A graph from the Southern Poverty Law Center shows the number of anti-Islamic hate crimes from the year 1995 to 2008; starting from zero to five hundred. Though there were Anti-Islamic hate crime incidents throughout time but it sky rocketed the year of 2001. That’s the year when 9/11 happened; it is understandable why the Anti-Islamic hate crimes increased that year. It is told that the reason behind 9/11 were Muslims. So the hate for the Muslims came out during that year causing all the hate crimes against the Muslims. Zeitoun might have been a victim of the Anti-Islamic Hate; because he is Muslim it was easy to target him. I’d say that because he was in New Orleans helping people in need and trying to save his business and property. There could not be any other reason to detain him but for the hate that the people had for the Muslims. The confusing thing about this graph was that it did not indicate what part of the country it was showing from.

Monday, May 12, 2014

in class blog on Zeitoun

Examples of Islamophobia are shown throughout the book Zeitoun; Islamophobia means the fear of Muslim people and being prejudice against them. In the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers we read about Abdulrahman and Kathy Zeitoun who are living a typical American dream are being discriminated after Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans because they are Muslims. One proof that comes from the reading is where Kathy converted to Islam and tried to explain to her friends and family but they took in a negative way. Eggers write “in the eyes of her mother and siblings it was as if she’d renounced her family and all they stood for” (Eggers, 67). According to Kathy’s family because she converted to Islam they feel Kathy has abandoned everything she stood for all her life. We also see how Islamophobia is affecting Zeitoun, where Zeitoun is taken away by military and put into military base inside a bus stand. Zeitoun is thinking about the incidents that happened to him, where he is “accused of terrorism” (Eggers, 218). Throughout the book we read about Zeitoun living his life with his family and after Hurricane Katrina he is helping neighbors and just trying to save his home and business. He was doing the right thing all along but because he is Muslim he was being judged. Being a Muslim can change the way people think and look at you. Looking into the matter how Kathy’s family reacted after she converted to Islam. They thought Kathy completely changed into a different person just because she converted.

Monday, May 5, 2014


In need of help our government always slacks behind and the common people comes in help to protect us. The common people are risking their lives to help others where our government who we rely on is not there for us. The book Zeitoun is about Abdulrahman Zeitoun who moved from Syria to New Orleans, who's living up to the American Dream and goes through all the crises before, during and after Hurricane Sandy. Zeitoun stays behind abondoning his family to help others after hurricane Sandy. When he could not help an elderly women he went out to seek help from the government. Where he tried to stop military personnel but no one stopped "ignored their canoe and their call for assistance" (Eggers, 101). The military personnel ignored Zetoun's call for help. This reminds m